
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Group Other Details

This window allows you to view group clients Group Other Details of the group client.

How to view the group other Details

To view the details of a particular loan go to Clients/group Clients/Group other details and the following screen appear:

Type here below whatever information is relevant:


Notes to be displayed whenever savings /loans account is entered

You can then select from the drop down an appropriate category (-ies) for the group.

Note that:
1. The end of registration automatically closes all savings accounts (deposits are no longer possible). However, if there are any charges for closing savings accounts (you can set them in the System/Configuration/Register Part 1 ), you have to go to the Savings Details page and manually close accounts for all savings products one by one.

2. The Registration ended date can be modified or deleted afterwards. You can renew a group's membership by deleting it.

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